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Aarogya Hospital Vaishali Ghaziabad
PLOT NH-1, Sector VI, Vaishali, Ghaziabad

Ph. No. +91-9910470002


Top 8 Fertility Tips 2021

1) Keep track of your cycles and ovulatory pattern

Normal cycles can scale anywhere from 26-32 days with 28-day cycles being the

usual. Menstrual cycles that are too long or too short can specify ovulation problems

or even reduced ovarian reserve directing to early menopause. Dr. Anjali Chaudhary

is the Best IVF Doctor in NCR provides the world’s best treatment such as IVF, IUI,

ICSI, and surrogacy with a high success rate. Thyroid conditions can also influence

the routineness of the menstrual cycle.

2) Maintain a healthy lifestyle and body weight

Avoid smoking and immoderate alcohol and caffeine intake. They can influence both

male and female fertility. Obesity considerably reduces a women’s capability to

conceive as well as increases the risk of developing diabetes and high blood

pressure during pregnancy. We inspire the carrying-on of daily exercise throughout

the treatment procedure.

3) Do not feel awkward sitting down with your gynecologist and a reproductive endocrinologist to evaluate your fertility capability

Any couple who has been sexually active, off of contraception, and has not to be

able to conceive within 12 months’ time should look for an initial assessment. For

women over the age of 35 who have not conceived within 6 months, assessment

and treatment should be reviewed instantly.

4) A women’s age is an important factor in deciding the success of fertility treatments

Regrettably, it is a fact of life that a woman’s ovarian reserve reduces with the age.

This reduction starts slowly in the late twenties but has a more remarkable decline

after age 35 and declines quickly after the age of 40. It does not mean that

pregnancy is not possible for women in their 40’s, but because of poorer egg

quantity and quality, the probability of pregnancy is reduced. Dr. Anjali Chaudhary is

the best IVF Doctor in Delhi treating nearly more than 5000 infertility treatments and

having experience of more than 18 years in this field. As a result, more quarrelsome

treatment may be required. For those women over the age of 44, egg donation may

be a good option for a successful pregnancy.

5) Infertility affects over 7 million couples

It is evaluated that 1 in 7 couples in the US has struggling conceiving. It is crucial to

recall that you are not alone. Infertility does not differentiate and affects people from

all over the world.

6) Assessment of the couple as a whole, not just one individual

The couple should be assessed at the same time in order to recognize the several

factors that can provide to their infertility in order to treat them most efficiently and

effectively. Malefactors influence 40% of all couples, so it should not be left.

7) Examine genetic screening before conception

There are numerous genetic disorders that are widespread in the US population that

can be passed on unintentionally from a parent to a child. The parent can be a silent

conveyor of a not dominant disorder like cystic fibrosis (CF), thalassemia, or sickle

cell disease. Revealing the parents pre-conceptually through an easy blood test can

help evaluate their reproductive risks for determining genetic disorders.

8) A single healthy pregnancy is our aim

Multiple gestations take place more frequently as a result of fertility treatments but

present an increased risk to both the mother and the babies. Pre-mature delivery

and difficulties during pregnancy are importantly increased and can have long-term

effects on the health and development of the child. With enhanced implantation rates

with technology like IVF, single embryo transfers can diminish the chances of

multiple pregnancies and boost pregnancy results for both mother and child.

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PLOT NH-1, Sector VI, Vaishali, Ghaziabad

Tel : 0120-4112222, 4300071 -78


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