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Aarogya Hospital Vaishali Ghaziabad
PLOT NH-1, Sector VI, Vaishali, Ghaziabad

Ph. No. +91-9910470002


10 IVF Success Factors

In-vitro fertilization (IVF) is a complicated process in which there are lots of moving parts, which are dependent on time and accuracy. Throughout the IVF treatment, a lot of factors affect the successful round of IVF treatment. We are the capable Infertility Specialist Doctors in Delhi, and staff and lab are well-equipped which makes us the best to serve you. These are as follows: -

1. Previous pregnancy- If you and your current partner have a successful pregnancy in the past then there is a full chance of success of IVF treatment. But if you have multiple miscarriages or other fertility issues with the new partner then IVF becomes more difficult.

2. Age- From 24 to 34 age of the women have high chances of success of IVF treatment because at that age women are more fertile. But at the age of 40, the success rate drops down. Women in every age of reproductive life have been used IVF treatment but the success rate drops down. You can still explore the IVF treatment, it is highly dependent on your unique body and medical history.

3. Type of fertility issue- Certain fertility issues are drop down the success of IVF treatment like Fibroid tumors, uterine abnormalities, ovaries dysfunction, and dual infertility and the number of times the couple had a problem in conceiving. IVF can successfully overcome fertility issues.

4. Egg and Embryo quality- The quality of egg and embryo depends on some of the items other than in this list like age, ovarian reserve, stimulation protocol, and sperm quality. Higher the quality of egg and embryo, the IVF treatment can be more successful.

5. Sperm quality- About 90% of chromosol embryo issues arise due to the quality of the egg. However, male fertility factors also affect embryos. If the male partner has fertility issues, then the new technology helps to mitigate the adverse effects and to make successful pregnancy more likely.

6. Donor eggs- If the quality of eggs might be compromised due to age or other factors, then the donor eggs might be more chances of successful IVF treatment.

7. Embryo transfer- Some doctors believe that embryo transfer is the most difficult step in the IVF procedure. We are the Best IVF Doctor in NCR, providing you the best IVF treatment. The health of embryos and implants in the uterus is a flawless process. Any obstacle with timing or other biological factors can be harmful to the process.

8. Uterine receptivity- It is as important as the quality of embryos. If we planting a seed, either the quality of seed or quality of soil is compromised, then the cultivation of a healthy plant is reduced. Similarly, factors affecting receptivity include the thickness of the uterine lining, immunological factors, and the uterine cavity’s contour.

9. Lifestyle Factors- When you are living a healthy lifestyle it will create a flourishing environment for an embryo. At least 3 months before the IVF treatment, stop smoking and drinking alcohol, both of these habits can drop down the success of IVF treatment. Smoker’s chances of implantation are 50% lower than non-smoker’s. Maintain a healthy weight for the success of IVF treatment.

10. Controlled Ovarian stimulation (COH) protocol- These protocols give you the details of the type of fertility medication administered and when they are delivered. Your doctor will work with you to determine which is the most favorable protocol for you.

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PLOT NH-1, Sector VI, Vaishali, Ghaziabad

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Dr. Anjali Chaudhary

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